Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Hate the Flick? Some Theaters Offer Refunds

I doubt much is going to bring people back to the theaters these days, with it being so much easier to watch movies at home. The only allure of the theater is for movies that you just have to see on a big screen, and movies that you have to see right away. I don't think there are so many of those anymore. Anyway, I don't think these silly gimmicks are going to get many people to show up. If they really want to so something for people, they'll stop charging $4 for a drink I could get for $1.25 at a drive thru, or $3.50 for some candy I could get for 80 cents from a convenience store. Ticket prices seem pretty high these days, but nothing is as ridiculous at the movie theater as the insane price of concessions.

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Scott G said...

The problem with movie theaters is that the popcorn had crack or heroin in it. I should be happy trying to watch the DVD's in my NetFlix queue, but I need the popcorn.

Anonymous said...

How do I get that sticky stuff all over my floor?