Pastor Roger Byrd said that he just wanted to get people thinking. So last Thursday, he put a new message on the sign at the Jonesville Church of God.
It reads: "Obama, Osama, hmm, are they brothers?"
That's very clever. Has anyone ever known any brothers where one's first name rhymes with the other's last name. My last name is Howard, and my brother's first name is Chris, so it doesn't work there. Not to mention, that in most cases, this would end up with one of the brothers having a stupid name that rhymes with itself. However, in this case, Obama and bin Laden don't share a last name, so that's not an issue. They don't share a last name, a first name, or even a name at all. But according to Roger Byrd, the rhyming is really the key. Well, I just have one thing to say to that, Pastor. Byrd, Turd.
Byrd said that the message wasn't meant to be racial or political.
Of course not, what could be political about linking the name of a candidate for President with a terrorist leader? How do people even get a crazy idea like that, that this sign could be political?
"It's simply to cause people to realize and to see what possibly could happen if we were to get someone in there that does not believe in Jesus Christ," he said.
what could possibly happen? Anyway, since Obama does believe in Jesus Christ, I'm not sure why the sign is necessary then.
When asked if he believes that Barack Obama is Muslim, Byrd said, "I don't know. See it asks a question: Are they brothers? In other words, is he Muslim ? I don't know. He says he's not. I hope he's not. But I don't know.
Oh, so he's just saying Obama could be a liar then. Well, if we're not taking our candidates at their word regarding religious beliefs and Byrd is really worried about "what could happen if we were to get someone in there that does not believe in Jesus Christ" then he should add McCain and Clinton's names to the sign, since we only have their word that they're Christians. Well that, and all those years of going to church.
Despite some criticism, Byrd says that the message will stay on the sign. He took the issue before his congregation Sunday night, and they decided unanimously to keep it.
Well, that's good anyway. Until we can get all the morons in the world to wear signs proclaiming their stupidity, it's nice to have things like this as some indicator.