Tuesday, February 17, 2009


There's a radio commercial I hear quite a bit that annoys me everytime. It's for a local Lexus dealership and it talks about a deal where you can get free valet parking at a local mall if you buy a Lexus. I don't really see anyone being swayed by something like that, but that's not the part that annoys me, it's at the end of the commercial where they say, "there's never been a better reason to buy a Lexus." Really? Does Lexus corporate know about this? Because if the best reason EVER to buy a Lexus is that you get free valet parking at a mall, then their cars must really suck, and they should probably drop the price down some. Or maybe people could just buy a Hyundai and use the difference to pay for valet parking.

Every time I hear this stupid commercial, I'm convinced it will be the last, and someone will realize how bad that makes their cars sound, but no, I guess car dealers aren't terribly bright.

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Toast said...

That is terrible. It sounds like a tag line that they probably slap on the end of every commercial they do. If not - if that specific language was chosen to go with this ad - then they are spectacularly dumb.

John Howard said...

I don't recall hearing any other commercials with the same thing at the end, but then I don't listen to commercials very closely unless they do something funny or stupid to catch my attention.

michelline said...

I like the Lexus commercial better than the Keith Pierson Toyota ones with the twins. I'm very tired of his twin daughters.

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Unknown said...

There's a radio commercial xưởng in lịch I hear quite a bit that annoys me everytime. It's for a local Lexus dealership and it talks about a deal where in lịch để bàn chữ a you can get free valet parking at a local mall if you buy a Lexus. I don't really see anyone being swayed by something like that báo giá lịch tết
, but that's not the part that annoys me, it's at the end of the commercial where they say, "there's never been a better reason to buy a Lexus.mẫu lịch tết 2017 đẹp" Really? Does Lexus corporate know about this? Because if the best reason EVER to buy a Lexus is that you get free valet parking at a mall, then their cars must really suck, and they should probably drop the price downmẫu kẹp file đẹp some. Or maybe people could just buy a Hyundai and use the difference to pay for valet parking.thiết kế kẹp file

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