Monday, March 12, 2007

Hooray for daylight savings time!

No, I'm not being ironic.

It seems like a popular position to bitch about DST, and I'm not sure why. What's not to like about extra light in the evening? I leave work most days between 4 and 5. During the winter, that means it's already dark by the time I get home. Which means none of us can do anything outside. I would just as soon can standard time altogether and go DST year-round.

Take today, for example. I got home at about 6. I had to finish building a fence in the backyard. Prior to the DST switch , I would have had less than an hour to get it done. With the extra hour, I had plenty of daylight to finish up.

Keep the extra daylight coming, I say.

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Anonymous said...

I would just as soon can standard time altogether and go DST year-round.

I completely agree. The only thing that was hard about moving it up this year is the timing: It was just starting to get light in the morning. Now we're waking up in the dark again.

michelline said...

Even before the change, I was waking up in the dark, but I see your point. It is easier to wake up if it's already getting light outside. I'll take that trade-off, though.