Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Filet-O-Fish hooked patrons

I came across this somewhat interesting article on the origin of the Filet-o-Fish sandwich. But all I could think while reading it, was "why on Earth would anyone eat that thing?" A question which was even more perplexing after seeing the original poster for it in the article. It looks like the guy blew his nose on it. Disgusting. I guess the article offers a little of an explanation about Catholics who don't eat meat on Fridays, but fuck, why wouldn't you just rather starve? That Hula Burger that Ray Kroc apparently came up with sounds really lame, but I can't imagine it wasn't better than this disgusting creation. Does McDonald's still even sell these things? If so, why?

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michelline said...

Hey change that tag to tasty. I like the filet-o-fish. Tartar sauce is good stuff.

John Howard said...

Yeah, but there's something wrong with you. And anyway, surely you wouldn't eat it if it looked like the thing in that poster?

Anonymous said...

The Filet o' Fish used to be my favorite McDonald's sandwich. I still eat them occasionally, but they're more of a side now since they're kinda small.

John Howard said...

Two readers I have left, and there's something wrong with both of them.

BadTux said...

I like the Filet-o-Fish too. But I have an excuse. I'm Catholic. And a penguin. Catholic penguins eat lots of fish.

- Badtux the Catholic Penguin