State Takes On Radio Station, Ending Face-Slapping Contest - New York Times
Ok, this contest sounds pretty stupid, and I don't see why anyone would volunteer to participate in it, but why is the attorney general worried about it? The people involved weren't forced to do it. It also sounds like it was pretty boring, especially on the radio. Can't we just let stupid ideas like this run themsleves into the ground?
Mr. Spitzer said: "You can see how disturbing this is, how appalling. We'd like to think that we've advanced beyond the days of the Roman Colosseum.
Yes, people slapping each other in the face for money is exactly the same as slaves fighting each other to the death. Way to be on top of this before it turned into that, Eliot.
Elliot's running for Governor. He grabs all the publicity he can get.
Maybe instead of an election, they should have a face slapping contest, and the winner gets to be Governor.
Are you sure they weren't allowing the contestants to get slapped in the face by a giant lion?
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