Parents Warned PSP Could Hold Porn
I realize some people aren't too tech savvy, but if you don't realize that the PSP can hold porn, then you obviously just don't have any idea what a PSP is, and if you don't know that, what the fuck are you doing buying it for your kid? You should also be aware that your kids can get porn on their iPods, cellphones, and pretty much any other device with a display and some means to accept data from outside sources. Your kids may also hide porn under their beds, or in a fort in the woods, or any one of a million other places that existed before personal electronics were everywhere, and yes, even before the internet. Actually, as a parent, you should pretty much just assume that your kids are going to see some porn no matter what you try to do to prevent it. However, if you've raised them well enough, this probably won't really damage them at all. Unfortunately, I would guess that the parents that would freak out the most about their kids seeing porn would also have the kids that would respond to seeing it the worst.
Fort in the woods. That's so old school. Ah, man, those were the days...
We had some pretty cool forts with skylights and fireplaces and one with a loft.
And the walls were covered with porn, of course. Pretty tame playboy stuff, but hey, we were stuck with what we could steal from our dads.
I think most of that stuff we found in the woods in the first place.
Yeah, I know we found plenty in the woods. Tommy Ashenbach also used to steal Cheri from his dad all the time.
And Oui, but he never came to our forts.
I would guess that the parents that would freak out the most about their kids seeing porn would also have the kids that would respond to seeing it the worst.
True. Parents who teach their kids that sex is bad and their bodies are evil scare the fuck out of me. And yeah, it really screws up their kids.
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