Friday, November 11, 2005

Senate Approves Limiting Rights of U.S. Detainees

Disgusting. How completely Un-American does it seem to detain people without even having to explain why? I guess if people are allowed to challenge their detentions, we might find out that they're not all terrorists, and then maybe we would lose the stomach to support torturing them. This is also a convenient way for the Senators who actually were smart enough to vote against torture to still go along with their pro-torture party and administration by keeping it hidden. Assholes.

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John Howard said...

I'm totally correct on all of them, but thanks for noticing this one in particular.

Anonymous said...

What I really don't understand is how supposedly reasonable people can support dividing people into "us" and "them". Non-citizens should be give all the same considerations that citizens are given. If you're dealing with two suspected criminals, and one is American, what possible justification is there for treating one with one set of rules and the other with a different set? Of course, Bush is busy trying to reduce the rights of citizens as well, I know, e.g. Jose Padilla.