Friday, March 03, 2006

Jessica Alba: Playboy tricked readers into thinking she was naked

This is kind of silly. I should say that I think Playboy should get permission before they put anyone on their cover. That said, I don't see what Alba's complaining about.

As the article says, Playboy often has people on its cover who aren't nude inside, so I don't think anyone familiar with Playboy would make that assumption. I know when I got that issue, I assumed she wasn't nude, especially with the "25 Sexiest Celebrities" thing on the cover.

And what if they did think she was nude anyway? Alba clearly trades on her sexy image, and there's nothing wrong with that. I can't see how a few topless pictures in Playboy would change her image. It's not like she has a persona as the virginal girl-next-door.

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beakerkin said...

What!!!! Call Ralph Nader false and misleading advertising. Chris where is your anger at corporate America. You are getting milder as you age.

Mia said...

lol let me guess You bey playboy for the articles?

John Howard said...

Playboy sucks. I pretty much assume anyone on the cover is naked inside, but if people were actuallu buying the magazine expecting that, then it should be pretty easy to determine based on all the subsequent complaints they would get from people who felt duped.

Either way, I can't see any reason for Jessica Alba to be upset about it.

Anonymous said...

Playboy actually does have good articles. And they have some really funny ones as well. Now if someone says they are reading Penthouse for the articles...