Friday, May 12, 2006

ABC disguises ads for their shows in their "news" shows

I like ABC. They have a lot of good shows these days. LOST, Desperate Housewives, Boston Legal, I like all of them, so I'm not just some ABC hater (although Invasion does really suck). Anyway, tonight I was flipping around and saw that 20/20 was on and was about to flip over and watch until I saw that the title of the episode was "The secrets of Grey's Anatomy." What the fuck? That's not a show, that's a commercial for another show. Normally, I wouldn't have noticed this, but last week or so, I was watching some ABC 20/20 special about the housing market, and one segment was about bad neighboors. In this segment they featured a story about Jim Belushi, who conincidentally has a show on ABC, and his long time feud with his neighbor (whatshername that played Catwoman, not Halle Berry, the one from Batman, not Michael Keaton Batman, Adam West Batman). Apparently the feud was recently resolved and whatshername even came on his show as an annoying neighbor. People already watch Grey's Anatomy without it being featured on 20/20, and no one is going to watch Belushi's show no matter where they put it. And if they're going to do this bullshit, at least do The Secrets of LOST, because that I'd watch.

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beakerkin said...

You just figured that out now. What have you been doing daydreaming. Next if you look on the sets you will see product placement. The networks are one big bore.

John Howard said...

Product placement doesn't bother me at all. People on TV shows and movies need to use products, and it's more realistic if they use actual products.

Anonymous said...

John, gotta say, you bailed out on Invasion about a month too soon. That show has been rocking and rolling for several episodes now. Great stuff.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and Grey's Anatomy currently holds the title of Show That I'm Fucking Tired Of People Telling Me I Should Watch. I've checked out two episodes and it just leaves me totally cold.

John Howard said...

It was starting to get more interesting, but I still hate the characters, so when it was off for a couple of weeks, it allowed me to pry myself away, and I feel pretty good about it.

I haven't watched Grey's Anatomy (or House) at all. Ever since ER went in the toilet, I'm completely burnt out on medical drama.