Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Frist Rejects Deals in Filibuster Fight

Who gives a fuck what Bill Frist wants? I'm really tired of this debate already. Whether they call it the nuclear option or the constitutional option or the fucking nucular option, stop offering compromises, and stop trying to keep them from doing it. Call their bluff, make them do it. They'll get their 10 wackjob judges, but they'll ultimately do more harm to their cause. Honestly, they keep trying to sell it as something that isn't such a big deal, that it's the Democrats who are obstructing everything and their constitutional option isn't really so extreme. Well, if that's true, why do you need to threaten it at all? Just do it, if it's not such a big deal. What are you, a bunch of pussies? You supposedly have the moral high ground, so fucking use it already. What are you afraid of? You're right, right? Assholes.

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