Friday, April 29, 2005

I'm sick

I should have stayed home today. I started feeling lousy yesterday, sneexing, aching, stuffy head, runny nose, so I took some Nyquil to try to get some decent sleep. Unfourtunately, my son decided to wake up at 3:00 in the morning, so I spent the next four hours getting sleep in 15-20 minute intervals while being woken up in between to put on more Blues Clues or tell him why I couldn't play with him. Of course, by the time I had to get up for work, he had went back to sleep. I seriously thougth about staying in bed, but another guy here is out on his honeymoon, so that would have made things pretty difficult on my coworkers if I was out too, I guess I'm too dedicated. All I know is I want to go to sleep really, really, really badly.

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