Friday, April 15, 2005

Top U.S. General Defends Military's Policy on Gays

I thought this article might be pretty good since I wonder how you defend something that's pretty much indefensible. And it looks like the General didn't so much defend it as say it's what they're using.
But the article did boil the whole thing down to I guess what the defense would be:

Those opposed to gays serving in the military have argued the presence of homosexuals in the ranks could undermine good discipline and order and harm unit cohesion.

And I guess it's likely that there might be some problems like what they describe (at least initially), I think the position indicated in the quote would be more accurate if looked at from a different perspective, and from that perspective the quote should say something like this:

Those opposed to bigoted assholes serving in the military have argued the presence of bigoted assholes in the ranks could undermine good discipline and order and harm unit cohesion.

Because really, if there are problems because of gay people serving openly, it's not the gay guys that are causing them (well, I guess they could, but the types of problems that people suggest to support the current policy aren't caused by them), they're caused by ignorant homophobes. And since it would be the ignorant homophobes responsible, then they should be the ones kept out of the military, or made to hide who they really are.

Seriously, where else in our society in 2005 is it so acceptable to blame the victim??? If the military has a problem with sexism that harms unit cohesion, would the solution be to get rid of the women? Too bad they can't just hide the fact that they're women, I guess, then it would be easier. Same with blacks, we can't hide them, so we have to deal with that problem, gays it's ok to ignore, because we can hide from it.

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