Thursday, October 20, 2005

Happy Somethingorother*

A year ago today, I started this blog with this post, which wasn't very interesting, but whatever. At the time I wasn't expecting anyone to read it, and I didn't really know what I was doing it for, I just knew that I had this BlogThis! button on my Google toolbar that I wanted to try out. I figured if I kept posting at all that it would become a more personal kind of journal. What actually happened was that as I read other people's blogs, I realized that I wasn't the only person in the world who didn't worship George Bush, so my frustration with the people who do really become the focus of most of my posts. Also, since it was right before the election, that magnified it for me. And of course after the ridiculous results of that election, my frustration only grew, so it was nice to share my thoughts with people who felt the same way, since at the time, there didn't seem to be enough of us. Not enough to get rid of the idiot, anyway. Now, it seems that things may be turning back towards a more reasonable, less ignorant attitude, and I like to take credit for that.

Anyway, I thought I should post something to commemorate this occasion. Please feel free to send gifts.**

* I refuse to use silly made up words like blogiversary.
** Or cash.

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maurinsky said...

Congratulations on going from that first post to being the Hottest Blog on the Internets in only one year.

John Howard said...

Yeah, I'm very impressed with myself. Thanks.

Ace Cowboy said...

Happy happy, man...many more.

John Howard said...

Yeah, it is definitely a mystery why people read this crap. I am very good lookin, though. And people go on the internets for the porn. Thanks.

John Howard said...

I'm not that creative.

Fixer said...

Mazeltov, my friend!

puzzled said...

Keep it up John

sumo said...

One year and 19,506 readers later should tell you something...or some people are just stupid and have nothing better to do. But I have a sneaking feeling that it's the humor factor here. Yeah...that's it...the O'Howard factor. Please tell you you don't do the loofah thing. Oh, and congratulations and all on having the hottest blog on the internets. Are you going to run for the Presidency?

John Howard said...

Thanks, everyone.

I hadn't thought about running for President, but I will finally be old enough to qualifyabout a year before the election, so maybe I should think about it.

upyernoz said...

it's not a made-up word if we all know what it means.

or, alternatively, all words are made up. at least someone did at some point.

so happy blogiversary

Blogger said...

Congrats man. Hopefully you can celebrate your one year with a Cowboy's victory over the Seahawks.

STP said...

Congrats on one year. Whatever you want to call it, it's pretty cool.

That guy said...

Happy blogiversary!

That guy said...

...I have no objection to silly, made-up words at all, as you can see.