Thursday, January 12, 2006

Miller apologizes for comments on drinking and skiing

What the fuck? Who was "confused or hurt" by this? So, is he sorry that it's hard to ski while drunk or just that he pointed it out? And isn't it really pretty much common sense? Lots of things are harder when drunk, why should skiing be any different? Who the fuck hears something like this and decides to make an angry phone call or write a letter? Don't you have anything better to do with your time? There are far, far, far more serious things to get upset about than a drunk skier.

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Anonymous said...

But.. but... the little children who look up to him! Who watch 60 Minutes! (snort)

Anonymous said...

They were "offended" because he was unapologetic about doing it and wouldn't say he wouldn't do it again. Someone really needs to tell these pinheads that Prohibition was repealed.

John Howard said...

I'm not sure people even know what it means to be offended anymore. There is nothing that anyone I don't know could say to offend me.

Scott G said...

I didn't know that people skied when they weren't drunk. I lived in Colorado for 3 years and don't remember any sober people on the slopes. Something about it loosens you up so when you go downhill head over foot, you break fewer bones

michelline said...

I am confused and hurt by your lack of empathy for those that Miller confused and hurt.

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