Friday, August 19, 2005

Space Shuttle Discovery Heads to Florida - Yahoo! News

Discovery rode piggyback atop a jumbo jet Friday for a cross-country trip to Florida, more than a week after it landed in the Mojave Desert to become the first space shuttle to return to Earth since the Columbia tragedy.
emphasis mine

Shouldn't that be the first shuttle to return to Earth since whatever shuttle came before the Columbia tragedy? Unless they consider dropping a bunch of pieces of itself all over Texas returning to Earth also.

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The Disgruntled Chemist said...

Yeah, I would have said "return to Earth in one piece since the Columbia tragedy" or something. But I'm a horrible person, so there's that to consider.

John Howard said...

Yeah, I try to consider that anytime I read one of your comments.

not in use said...

Given that it was the first to take off since the Columbia tragedy, how on earth do they imagine that another would have managed to land in the meantime?

Anonymous said...

well u know dis is dat first one since den. dey dont care dat an isolated fact outta context conjures up a misleading n distorted scenario in da minds of der readers. dey jus 'report da facts' afterall.

*laffs n laffs n laffs*

Phoenician in a time of Romans said...

Given that it was the first to take off since the Columbia tragedy, how on earth do they imagine that another would have managed to land in the meantime?

One full of damned dirty apes that got lost in a time hole, perhaps?

Or perhaps that's already happened - and one got elected President.