Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Republican extermists are not only crazy, they're also stupid

So after this "compromise" to avoid the nuclear/constitiutional option, I've seen a whole lot of lunatics on the extreme right criticizing the Republicans involved in the compromise. Now, I know it has been called a compromise, but all it is in reality is the Republicans get exactly what they want, and maybe later we'll have to do the whole thing over again for the judges that were not part of the compromise. Now, if you're a Republican and you're complaining about this deal, then let's face it, you're just stupid. You won, you lose absolutely nothing. You gain those precious up or down votes on three judges that you've been screaming about for weeks. Now, I know all you wingnuts would have like to pull the trigger on the nuclear option just as a show of how powerful you are and how in control you are of this country, but that's all it would have been was a show. You still would have had the same votes that you get now. And if your gripe is that you just really want to go nuclear just for the fun of it, then just wait, the oppurtunity has not been lost, only postponed. All you have to do is offer up some extreme judge for nomination, then the Democrats will filibuster once again, and you can all get your jollies off while we watch minority rights in the Senate go up in flames. But anyway, just shut up about how angry you are, because it just points out the fact that you don't really understand what's going on in the first place.

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