Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Town Without Pity Offers Hisses to a Runaway Bride

This is such a fucking non-story that it makes me sick, but since it's the only thing being covered, I'll go ahead and give my thoughts on it. It looks like a lot of people think she should pay for the cost of searching for her, and at first, I thought that sounded fair, since she lied about being abducted and all. But, as I thought about it, she didn't lie about being abducted until after all the hoopla surrounding the search for her (which I blame the "news" channels for). Maybe if such a big deal had not been made of her dissapearance, then she wouldn't have felt the pressure to lie in the first place. And if she had not lied, the city still would have spent the money looking for her. She has no obligation to tell anyone where she's going or call anyone when she gets there. Sure it would be the nice thing to do, but it's not against the law for a grown woman to run away from home. Now, if they want to prosecute her for some sort of false police report or something for her made up abduction, I think that's fair. But if they're looking to stick someone with the bill for the search, they should go talk to Sean Hannity or Bill O'Reilly.

Also, could we stop being outraged when people make up criminals who are minorities. Honestly, there are plenty of real instances of racism to be concerned with that I just don't see the need to worry about whether a woman who went crazy and ran away blamed it on imaginary hispanics, or a woman who drowns her children blames it on imaginary black people. That aspect of the latter case really bugged me since there were way bigger reasons to hate that woman (like drowning those two cute little boys) than the fact that she might be a racist. Just please stop demanding apologies from these people, what good does that really do?

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