Wednesday, May 18, 2005

State says JOHN3:16 plate is OK

Jesus Christ. I'm all for the separation of church and state, but I don't see how on earth anyone's vanity license plates violate it. I'm offended by vanity license plates in general. Why pay extra to have some stupid scrunched up phrase on your plate that only means something to you anyway and on the off chance that someone else understands whatever crap you have on there, it just makes them think you're an idiot? But, regardless, I don't care if someone is driving around with plated that say FUCKU on them, what the hell difference does that make to me? Even if I found one that was truly offensive (maybe if someone had the N word or FAGGOT or something), I still can't imagine wasting my time to complain about it to anyone. And I really can't see why anyone who complain about the ones at the end of the article:


Here are some other vanity license plates that the Department of Licensing permitted to remain after complaints:

UDORK: A complainant said it was rude.

BCHRWFE: Someone complained it was about spousal abuse. The plate turned out to belong to a butcher’s wife.

AMXTC: Someone thought it was a reference to the drug Ecstasy. The plate referred to the joy of owning a classic car called an AMX.

STROKIN: A complainant thought the message was sexual, but the plate referred to a Ford Power Stroke diesel truck.

SEXTY7: Someone thought the plate was racy, but it was allowed because it was used on a classic 1967 car.

Get a fucking grip people. How are any of these things offensive, even if they actually meant whatever crap you thought they meant? Find something better to do with your time.

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