Thursday, September 08, 2005

Governor will reject gay marriage legislation


Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger announced yesterday that he will veto a historic same-sex marriage bill passed by the Legislature, contending that the measure is unconstitutional.

I'm not exaclty an expert in California government, but I always thought it was the job of the judicial branch to determine the constitutionality of laws. Anyway, I guess this makes him an activist executive, and should really piss off all those conservatives who have been telling us for so long how tired they are of activist judges legislating from the bench, and how it should be the job of the legislature to make the laws. So, I guess we'll see a lot of them denouncing his veto. Especially the churches. They will need to include a conversation about this in Justice Sunday III.

Or not.

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1 comment:

Mia said...

and yet another homophobic.