Thursday, September 29, 2005

Readers want 'crazy' park ban benched

What a stupid idea. Now, I'm all for protecting kids from pedophiles, but I don't see how this stupid ban does that. If it's a public park, it seems pretty unfair to exclude people from it just because they don't have children. Do they also have public parks that exclude parents? Probably not. Also, the ban really doesn't help protect kids from pedophiles for a couple of reasons. First, do they think pedophiles don't have kids? That's ridiculous. So any pedophile that is also a parent gets a pass. Second, if there are enough police around to enforce the ban in the first place, as the article seems to indicate, then there are enough there to protect the children from any sexual predators without assuming any adult who happens to want to sit down for a minute is a potential pedophile.

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