Thursday, September 22, 2005

War Pornography

Someone needs to tell these soldiers (and anyone else paying for porn online) that there is plenty of porn on the internet for free. It's not hard to find, it's almost hard not to find. I'll never understand why anyone is paying all these porn sites.

And I'll just ignore the more disgusting aspects of this story, because it just makes me sad.

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Melissa McEwan said...

Totally OT - but I've got another sword story out of Florida for you.

John Howard said...

Yeah, I saw that story somewhere yesterday, but I didn't think it made much sense, so I didn't know what to say about it.

Also, I don't want this to become the sword blog, since apparently swords are pretty common items to everyone but me.

John Howard said...

See, swords are everywhere, I shouldn't even be surprised anymore.

John Howard said...

I don't know where to go for that stuff, I just know it's out there...somewhere.