Bolton Said to Orchestrate Unlawful Firing
Not that anyone with a brain really needs any more evidence that, a) John Bolton is an out of control fucknut or, b) President Bush was determined to go to war in Iraq no matter what, but here it is, anyway.
Look, I know people like to think that the US can do no wrong, and that being the greatest country in the world means that we just don't make any mistakes. But the fact is, we do make mistakes, and whether you believe we have made them in Iraq or not, it's pretty clear that we were at best misled, and at worse lied to in order to go to war with a country that had done absolutely nothing to us, and was not in any way a threat to us, and at a time when we had just been attacked by a completely separate group of people. So, even if you think George Bush is some sort of great American, you should at least be insulted that he doesn't consider you (or your elected represenatives) worthy of having all the facts before leading us into a war, or deserving of any explanation when things are clearly not what was represented to us.
At the very least, George Bush should be made to say for the record, whether the substance of the Downing Street Memo is accurate or not.
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